Weyerhaeuser Flak Jacket Lawsuit
![Weyerhaeuser Flooring Lawsuit](/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/weyerhaeuser_flooring_lawsuit.jpg)
Lawsuits are being filed against Weyerhaeuser NR company claiming that the company’s defective fire-resistant I-joists release formaldehyde gas into homes. These fire-resistant floor joints were installed in at least 2,200 homes nationwide.
Exposure to formaldehyde can cause irritation to the skin, eyes, nose, and throat. Prolonged exposure can lead to cancer, neurological effects, and lung problems.
Our attorneys can help you determine if your home contains the contaminated Weyerhaeuser Floor Joists – contact us now for a free consultation.
Weyerhaeuser Flak Jacket Lawsuit Information
Levin Sedran & Berman has filed a class action lawsuit against Weyerhaeuser NR Company for defective I-joists that release formaldehyde gas into homes. These fire-resistant floor joints were installed in at least 2,200 homes nationwide, exposing home owners to dangerous formaldehyde gas, costly home repairs and lost home value.
If your home was built after December 1st of 2016, you or your family may have been exposed to formaldehyde from Weyerhaeuser floor joists. If you have experienced any symptoms of formaldehyde exposure, have been forced to leave your home or been delayed in moving into your home, you may be entitled to compensation.
Our attorneys can help you determine if your home contains the contaminated Weyerhaeuser Floor Joists – contact us now for a free consolation.
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Weyerhaeuser Flak Jacket Product Background
In response to regulatory changes introduced in 2012, Weyerhaeuser introduced a low-cost add on to their TJI floor joists to meet the enhanced fire safety regulations: Trus Joist TJI Joists with Flak Jacket Protection.
Flak Jacket is a resin based chemical coating applied to wood that includes several materials, one of which is Polymeric Phenol-Formaldehyde. Weyerhaeuser marketed the TJI Joists with Flak Jacket protection as providing “high-performance flooring” meeting fire resistance regulations, and routinely touted the superior characteristics of the I-Joists.
![Weyerhaeuser Flak Jacket Flooring Lawsuit](/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Weyerhaeuser_Flak_Jacket_Flooring800x400.jpg)
Weyerhaeuser even advertised that the I-Joists with Flak Jacket Protection carried a lifetime warranty. As a result, homebuilders and homeowners relied on Weyerhaeuser’s representations of safety and lifetime warranty, and installed the TJI Joists in thousands of homes.
Formaldehyde Gas from Weyerhaeuser Flak Jacket I-joists
![Weyerhaeuser Logo](/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/weyerhaeuser-green-logo.png)
Due to a product defect in the TJI Joists with Flak Jacket Protection, formaldehyde is off-gassing from the I-Joists at high levels. Customers have complained about a strong formaldehyde odor in newly constructed homes, and many have experienced symptoms of formaldehyde exposure.
Now, lawsuits are being filed against Weyerhaeuser claiming that the company mislead homeowners and builders with marketing techniques that touted the safety and effectiveness of the Flak Jacket TJI Joists, repeatedly stating that the product met all safety regulations regarding fire resistance and formaldehyde emission. The Material Data Safety Sheet for the product states “Weyerhaeuser has evaluated formaldehyde emission rates from its product and have found these rates to be below the significant risk level.”
If your home was built after December 1st of 2016, you or your family may have been exposed to formaldehyde from Weyerhaeuser floor joists.
Because of the formaldehyde off-gassing, the Flak Jacket I-Joists in thousands of homes need to be immediately repaired, removed, and replaced. The contaminated I-Joists are present in at least 2,200 homes nationwide.
Weyerhaeuser has stated that it “will pay reasonable cost of labor and material for the repair or replacement of the covered Joists, not to exceed 3 times the original purchase price of the Joist.” However, repair or replacement costs will likely exceed the amount covered under the warranty, and Weyerhaeuser has set aside between $50 and $60 million to cover the cost of remediation.
If you are living in or have worked in a home containing Weyerhaeuser TJI floor joists, you may be entitled to compensation for exposure to formaldehyde and/or loss of value in your home. Claims are time sensitive, and there is no cost unless we collect compensation on your behalf.
About Formaldehyde Exposure
At room temperature, Formaldehyde is a colorless, flammable gas with a strong odor. People are primarily exposed to formaldehyde through off-gassing, and many who are exposed to formaldehyde do not know they are at risk.
Healthy effects of formaldehyde include: |
Irritation to skin, eyes, nose, throat |
Cancer, including nasopharyngeal cancer and leukemia |
Neurological effects |
Increased risk of asthma and/or allergy |
Eczema |
Changes in lung function |
Various standards exist that govern the use of formaldehyde in consumer products and regulate the allowable levels of formaldehyde off-gassing. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration limits exposure to workers to an average of 0.75 parts per million (ppm) for an 8-hour workday during a typical 40 hour workweek.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development limits emissions of formaldehyde in manufactured housing to less than 0.2 ppm for plywood and 0.3 ppm for particle board.
After the 2016 redesign of the Flak Jacket product, formaldehyde off-gassing levels were significantly higher than the allowable levels set by these regulatory agencies.
How to Correct the Problem
Thousands of homeowners are dealing with the impact of the defective Weyerhaeuser Flak Jacket I-joists. Weyerhaeuser has stated that all TJI Joists with Flak Jacket manufactured on or after December 1, 2016 should be remediated or removed from any home.
Several options are available to homeowners who need to correct the problem.
Weyerhaeuser’s remediation solution involves a product known as “W20115 Field Paint”. The paint is intended to bond and contain the formaldehyde, significantly reducing the off-gassing with a compound that permanently bonds the formaldehyde.
Weyerhaeuser has set aside between $50 and $60 million to cover the cost of remediation.
However, this solution has only been tested in a laboratory, not in the field, and the long-term effectiveness is not known. In addition, Weyerhaeuser’s solution is not guaranteed to last the life of the home, and is not 100% effective at stopping formaldehyde off-gassing.
Other options include removing and replacing the defective I-joists.
All potential remediation solutions will require residents of the homes to move out for extended periods of time. Construction of new homes containing the Flak Jacket products will be significantly delayed, disrupting contracts between homeowners and builders.
Future resale of homes will be impacted, as homeowners will need to disclose the presence of a toxic chemical on the premises, reducing the home’s resale value.
How to File a Weyerhaeuser Flak Jacket Lawsuit
If your home was built after December 1st of 2016, you or your family may have been exposed to formaldehyde from Weyerhaeuser floor joists. If you have experienced any symptoms of formaldehyde exposure, have been forced to leave your home or been delayed in moving into your home, you may be entitled to compensation.
Builders and workers who installed the I-joists may also be entitled to compensation for exposure to formaldehyde gas.
Our attorneys can help you determine if your home contains the contaminated Weyerhaeuser Floor Joists. Claims are time sensitive, and there is no cost unless we collect compensation on your behalf. Contact us now for a free, no obligation consolation.
If you are living in or have worked in a home containing Weyerhaeuser TJI floor joists, you may be entitled to compensation for exposure to formaldehyde and/or loss of value in your home. Contact us today for a no cost, no obligation legal consultation.
Weyerhaeuser Flak Jacket Lawsuit Information